Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day #23 NBM Stepping stones

Stepping stones help us to get from one place to another.  Sometimes the stones are irregularly-shaped, small and big.  What "stepping stones' are you walking on in your life right now???

Day #22 NBM Why I love!

Why I love (a special person).

Day #21 NBM

where do you shop for CHristmas, Birthdays etc.... can be in town, online.... your neighbors when they are gone....

Day #20 NBM

what are some things that you are most Thankful for??
My family
My home
My friends
My health
love,life, grandchildren,my puppies, my friends children,my friends grandchildren
living in a country that is free...growing up with morals and responsibility and love....ok so I guess you only wanted a few should have said"what are 50 things you are thankful for" I love this blog thing!!!

Day #19 NBM

What is on your BUCKET LIST?

Day #18 NBM

Every family usually has one person or group of people that take care of Thanksgiving Dinner.  Who was that when you were growing up and who is that now??
My mom used to do this....we have all kind of gone our own ways over the years so there is no 1 person who does it now....we are just thankful where and when ever we do get to gether fo the feast of giving thanks!

Day #17 NBM

What are your most favorite smells of the Holidays?
Favorite smells.....
Sugar cookies and fudge....
Pine and cranberries.....
cinnamon and apple cider......
the way the cold air smells when there are chimmneys going!
Ok thats enough because I could just keep going!!!