Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day #23 NBM Stepping stones

Stepping stones help us to get from one place to another.  Sometimes the stones are irregularly-shaped, small and big.  What "stepping stones' are you walking on in your life right now???

Day #22 NBM Why I love!

Why I love (a special person).

Day #21 NBM

where do you shop for CHristmas, Birthdays etc.... can be in town, online.... your neighbors when they are gone....

Day #20 NBM

what are some things that you are most Thankful for??
My family
My home
My friends
My health
love,life, grandchildren,my puppies, my friends children,my friends grandchildren
living in a country that is free...growing up with morals and responsibility and love....ok so I guess you only wanted a few should have said"what are 50 things you are thankful for" I love this blog thing!!!

Day #19 NBM

What is on your BUCKET LIST?

Day #18 NBM

Every family usually has one person or group of people that take care of Thanksgiving Dinner.  Who was that when you were growing up and who is that now??
My mom used to do this....we have all kind of gone our own ways over the years so there is no 1 person who does it now....we are just thankful where and when ever we do get to gether fo the feast of giving thanks!

Day #17 NBM

What are your most favorite smells of the Holidays?
Favorite smells.....
Sugar cookies and fudge....
Pine and cranberries.....
cinnamon and apple cider......
the way the cold air smells when there are chimmneys going!
Ok thats enough because I could just keep going!!!

Day #16 NBM

What is at the top of your Christmas list?  Not something you need but something you want??
Wow really...who comes up with these questions!
Just kidding....:)
I really don't have a list....I get what I want all year long when I want something.
So what I really,really,really want is for this whole family to be together and get treat each and everyone with love and pitch in and be kind,gentle and love and let themselves be love..... to share just one Christmas this way would be a wonderful gift...the true meaning of share love and life and to make good memories!

Day #15 NBM

If you could go back and have a re-do on one thing, what would it be?
Gosh..I have thought about this many times....
I don't think I would want a re-do...Everything has happened for a reason. I look back and see what the lesson's are. I like who I have become and I am who I am because of everything I have been through. 1 re-do...nope!

Day#8 NBM

If you could have one Special Talent, what tlaent would you chose to have?
Is this a real talent or is this just  something that you would like to be able to do...
I would love to have more endurance in sports...
But really if I could have a talent I would love to be able to heal with a be able to take away a desiese with a single touch... to be able to take away pain and suffering with a what a special talent that would be...could you just imagine the joy and happiness I could be giving to would be simply amazing!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 7 NBM

" You have 2 free round-trip plane tickets to anywhere.... your spending budget for hotel, rental car, food and expenses is $25,000,
 who are you taking?
 where are you going?
where are you staying?
what car are you renting?
what type of food will be on the menu?"....

Ok so since  we are really going out on a limb with this one I am going to play along! First of all I would love to take a girlfriend but really I have to take my best friend,Jack. We are going to go to..............wait for it..........................uhmmmmmmmmmmm............................just a second..............................I am almost ready to tell you now..........................ok...........................To Australia!!!!!  I am not sure where we will be staying except in Sydney. I want to go and explore the outback so I guess we will be getting a range rover to drive...I want to lay on the sunny beaches...and no I am not going to swim in the water there...have you seen the size of the GREAT WHITE SHARKS there? So that answered the swimming question! I so want to try all the food there...I love to try orginal food from a country and this would be no different!  Wait...I am dreaming again aren't That's right...this is a blog... and I am allowed to run with the idea here! I think we will be staying for about 2 weeks...that should give us a good amount of time to see wonderful sights!  Well I gotta go...need to get my passport taken care since you all are putting ideas in my head!

Day 6 NBM

today's topic is, describe your perfect morning, if you didn't have to work or do anything in particular.
I love to get up early in the summer out at my Mom and Dads house...It is out in the country near the NC line, the lane is about 1/2 mile long so you are out in the back behind a field and near the woods. To feel the morning breeze on my face and watch as the sun starts to rise in the hear the sound of the birds singing as they are waking the rest of the animals, Sitting there quietly, sipping coffee and spending time with just me to give my thanks for the wonderful life I have been given! Awwwwwwwww what a beautiful morning!

Day 4 NBM

'IF you had $20,000, what are 3 things that you would purchase?"   
Wow I don't know if I am excited about the $20,00.00 or am I thinking "with a little more I could buy that new car"!
So here goes... You know, if I am not allowed to pay bills off then there really isn't much I can think of that I want. I want a new livingroom set but I am not going to get one while we have Echo. You see she is a old rottweiller that sneaks up on the couch when we are not looking....(just like a kid) and I have a feeling we are not going to have the pleasure of her company for very much longer :(  . So the couch stays. I guess if I am going to throw caution to the wind and get something I would like, not something I need or even dream of....gosh this is hard because I really have everything I need and when I want something I usually get it...teeheeheeeeee! OK....a front loader washer and dryer...LG....cobalt blue! 1 down 2 to go! Then how about that big outside grill and bar...not sure who makes it but it is about $5,000.00 ! Of course I will have to Jack that it is mine! Stay away...this is a woman's place now not a man's! Boy will he be jealous!!! (big grin) I want a new bedroom set-white cottage look! Uh oh..I think I may have gone past $20,000 but once you get me spending I have a hard time stopping! Oh well...till the next imaginary shopping trip!

Day3 NBM

"Tacky Tacky Thursday"...... you must list at least 10 things that you think are tacky.... might be outfits or habits... but do not attack anyone by name... like me and my Ark or me and my craziness or me and my addiction to Slapwater and Crazy X.... well actually you can, kidding...
2.Putting plaids and prints together-yuck!
3.Smacking your gum when you chew it.
4.Women that have makeup on to work out and sweat...really now!
5.High water pants (when they are not meant to be that way)
6.Someone that is trying to carry on a conversation with you about something that they clearly know nothing about!
7.Police that will write you a ticket for talking or texting while driving but they are doing it too while driving!
8. The people on the corners collecting money with signs that say"homeless" but look clean with nice clothes on. Is this their job??? Or the truth???
9.The women that wear high heel shoes when they ride on the back of a Harley Davidson...don't they know if something happened while riding it would tear their foot off? Where higher riding boots dummy!
10.People who paint their car with a grey primer but ride around like they are pimp'in a cool ride!

So this wasn't as hard as picking 3 song's becausse this list could go on and on and on.... you know what I mean?

Day2 NBM

NBM Day #2....Name at least 3 songs that you would put on a Road Trip CD! If you know how, add a link to the song(s) so we can enjoy them too..
Oh my..too many to choose from! HHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMM... Do I choose music from my "younger" days or do I choose music from this part of my life ? Well let me about ZZ Top with "Every Girl is Crazy about a Sharp Dressed Man" that should get me in the mood for rolling down the road! (and just looking at the scenery)  Then we can do a llittle CCR with Proud Mary ! Then wow this is really a challenge !!! last is Foreigner-Long, Long Way From Home! This is the type of music we have on "riding" cd for when we take the Harley out! To hear the older tunes and have the wind in the face is such a awesome feeling!

Day 1 NBM

WHat is the one thing on your Bucket List that your intend to do.....I have already done so many things in my life that it is hard to say what 1 thing is that I really want to do! I know that I have alot of things that I would like to do ....I have told my husband that I would really like to see Darius Rucker in concert...even meet him! I loved him when he was Hootie & The Blowfish and I love him even more now! The music he sings just hits me the right way! So there...1 of the things on my bucket list that I intend on doing is going to see Mr D. !!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I have a blog....

just so all on my own (after Angee got it all set up) I have gotten here to try and keep up with the rest of my crew! This is going to be a great adventure!